 | Diesel Exhaust Fluid - DEF002-02 |
Non-toxic, non-flammable formula
67.5% purified water and 32.5% ultra-pure
automotive-grade urea
Compatible with all diesel SCR systems
Conforms to the ISO-22241-1 specification for
| Item/Desc | Price | UM | Avail |
| 281-DEF002-02 | (please login) | 2.5 gal Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)
|  | Diesel Exhaust Fluid -PRIM00250 |
Is a safe, environmentally friendly solution
for SCR
Formaldehyde free, NOx reducing treatment
Formulated for diesel engines equipped with
SCR systems
Includes dispensing nozzle
Meets or exceeds all EPA standards
Meets the AUS 32, DIN 70070, ISO 22241
| Item/Desc | Price | UM | Avail |
| 281-PRIM00250 | (please login) | 2.5 gal Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)